Troop 900/Pack 900 Family Camp Out
We will be Camping out over the weekend with Troop 900, our affiliated Scouting BSA Troop. There will be hiking, fishing, and time around the camp fire.
8/14-8/15 (Friday night/Saturday) at Kelsey Short Campground
Please contact Greg Zieber with a headcount by Tuesday, 8/11.
Cost per person will be $8.50, this includes:
All camping fees
Friday night cracker-barrel (snack)
Chad’s dad jokes (Optional)
Please let us know of any dietary restrictions/allergies BEFORE the campout, so we can accommodate. The plan is for typical kid friendly camp food (smores, pancakes, sausage/bacon, hamburgers and hotdogs).
Money can be dropped off at the church (NCC) 6:30pm on 8/10 and 8/12.
Please plan on bringing your own camping supplies (tent, chair, fishing pole, etc.)
Activities will include tailgate/yard games, nature hike, fishing, campfire and please let Greg and Bo know if there is something you’d like to bring along!
Saturday 10am – We will have the Pack Budget & Program Calendar Meetings.
**Due to COVID-19 we will be taking the following precautions**
The attached 5-day temperature check form must be filled out for EVERY PERSON attending the campout. Please bring the completed form with you to the campout to turn in.
There will be temperature checks conducted Saturday morning as well.
Similar to the pack cook-out, please follow local mandates concerning social distancing and wearing masks; to minimize the risk for all participating.
We need all attending to keep safety in mind; but also have some fun!
For questions, please contact Bo Anderson or Greg Zieber