Pack 4900 – Pinewood Car Cutting

Pack 4900 – Pinewood Car Cutting

What is the Pack 4900 – Pinewood Car Cutting?

Families will have an opportunity to bring their Pinewood Car Kits to the meeting and have the cars into a rough design that the Scouts want. Templates will be available for Scouts seeking inspiration on different car designs.

When is the Event?

Date – 1/7/2020

  • 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Where is the Event?

Location – North Oak Christian Church

How Much is the Event?

Price – Free

What does my Scout Wear to the Event?

Uniform – Class A or Class B

Who can Attend?

This event is a Pack Meeting, so although anyone can attend, it is designed for the Scouts of Pack 900.

The event is finished.